The meeting was called to order at 8:15 A.m.
Present were Chair Gerald Zordan, City Councilors Marie Soliani and Greg Cogswell, and Corporation Counsel Ernestine Weaver.
Municipal Option to Exempt Farm Buildings
The Ordinance Committee met to discuss implementing an exemption for farm buildings. The Assessor was unable to attend but prepared information illustrating the impact to the budget which had been previously shared with Chair Zordan and Corporation Counsel. The Committee decided that the value of the exemption would be $50,000. This would capture all but one existing building in its entirety and allow for the City to realize some gain, while not hampering future growth to the grand list. The exemption would take effect for the budget season of 2011-12, and is estimated to cost $11,000.
On a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Cogswell the committee voted to recommend to City Council that the proposed ordinance be set for public hearing.
Alcohol Ordinance Exception – Outdoor Dining
The Committee discussed the proposed zoning changes to allow outdoor seasonal dining on public sidewalks and how that could or would work under our current ordinances. The committee then considered lifting its ban on alcohol sale and consumption on public sidewalks that had been permitted to offer outdoor seasonal dining in accordance the proposed Torrington Zoning Regulation section 5.18.1. As Planning and Zoning is scheduled to vote on the matter this evening. Contingent upon passage of the zoning regulation, on a motion by Councilor Soliani, seconded by Councilor Cogswell the Committee voted to amend the alcohol ordinance to allow sale and consumption of alcohol on public sidewalks when those areas are permitted for seasonal outdoor dining in accordance with the zoning regulation.
There being no further business on a motion by Marie Soliani seconded by Greg Cogswell, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.
Recorder of the Day,
Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Ernestine Yuille Weaver
Corporation Counsel